Check all staff files to make sure they are complete. It their medical current? Check Inservice hours. Does everyone have the mandatory 15 hours? Prepare notes for Mandatory All Staff Meeting (sample in notebook) Plan your staff meetings for the school year. Remember they are to be scheduled every six weeks. Put your easel out front with getting acquainted dates and times. Make necessary preparations. Give each teacher a copy of their class lists. This will enable them to start their name cards, attendance chart, etc. Make a daily schedule for every employee (sample in notebook). Each employee should be given a "minute by minute" list of her responsibilities. Keep a master copy for yourself and post one in the office. Prepare your August/September School Newsletter. make sure you introduce your staff. (sample in notebook) Check all children's evaluations - are they all complete? If not you need to get going. Have naproom staff copy Spring results onto Fall forms. Call your local Police & Fire Departments to set up a visit. Try to coincide their visits with weekly topics. Check minimum equipment lists for all areas. Re-check your list of missing info from children's files. Call any parents who are still missing forms. All children's files must be complete in order for them to start. Do your Monthly reports - (Daily attendance due first Wednesday of the month.) Run a medical report so you know who is due for immunizations or new medicals. Run an allergy list, hang a copy in all lunch, snack and breakfast rooms. Hang one in the office and kitchen too. Fire Drills - Do one every month, this way the M-W-F & T-Th children participate each month. Are you completing the Fire Drill Form? Are your fire drills posted? Curriculum checklists & Building checklist are to be completed every six weeks. Mail to all registered or pass out on get acquainted night.... Name tag School calendar Car sign for 1/2 day children Illness policy Opening day letter Parent volunteer letter Any forms missing from child's file. Camera memory stick to main office. Things for first day of school - Breakfast Lists Outdoor play schedule Attendance sheets Allergy lists Food Menu